Australia’s Leading Tourism Marketplace

90,000+ Tourism Business Listings

Flexible, Convenient and Cost-Effective
The ATDW is Australia’s national tourism database and distribution platform which represents over 90,000 small and medium sized tourism products and destinations. The ATDW’s ultimate function is to support the Australian Tourism Operators with digital marketing to help extend their exposure and attract more business online.
By listing a product once in the ATDW database, Tourism Operators benefit from being listed on their State or Territory Tourism Organisation’s (STO) consumer website, the Australia.com website and through ATDW’s extensive network of over 250 tourism distributors. This rich content solution submits to high standards, defined and quality assured by all state and territory government tourism organisations on a daily basis.
Massive Exposure
Quality Data
Saves Time
Quick and Easy
Market Analysis
Cost Effective
To list a tourism product in ATDW or update an existing listing, access the ATDW-Online portal.
Registration and approval of your ATDW listing is managed through your State or Territory Tourism Organisation (STO). Each STO has a dedicated ATDW team, who are also responsible for collecting ATDW listings, quality assuring and managing this content in the national ATDW database.
To register click the ‘register now’ button at the bottom of the screen and enter your organisation and user details accordingly.
Information required to register:
Please remember ATDW-Online is a live platform, so all updates published will be displayed across the ATDW distribution network.