A couple surrounded by coastal rainforest at Palm Valley lawn in Cape Byron State Conservation Area.


ID: 62537f4774dfb1224751ed27

Byron Bay, New South Wales

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Byron Bay,
New South Wales

棕櫚穀草坪是新南威爾斯州遠北海岸迷人的棕櫚圍場。這個夢幻般的地點展示了拜倫灣以壯麗的海灘、美麗的景色、溫和的氣候和輕鬆的氛圍而聞名的一切。難怪拜倫灣是澳洲最受歡迎的婚禮地點之一。 在草坪上慶祝您的特殊日子,周圍鬱鬱蔥蔥的平房棕櫚雨林遮蔭。當您在海浪拍打沙灘的聲音和大海的氣味中交換誓言時,您可以欣賞這個神奇的海濱勝地所提供的一切。 綠松石色的帕斯海灘 (Pass Beach) 僅一箭之遙,是儀式結束後拍照留念的完美畫布。在賞鯨季節,這裡還有絕佳的賞鯨機會。 這個田園詩般的位置是探索令人驚嘆的沃爾岡拜倫角地區的絕佳基地。庫倫巴 (Currenbah) 步道將帶您穿越茂密的沿海雨林,沿途有大量觀鳥機會。一段較長的步行路程將帶您翻山到達華特戈斯海灘,然後一直到達拜倫角燈塔。...

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  • Palm Valley lawn

    A couple surrounded by coastal rainforest at Palm Valley lawn in Cape Byron State Conservation Area.A couple saying their vows under a wedding arch on Palm Valley lawn in Cape Byron State ConservationA couple saying their vows under a wedding arch on Palm Valley lawn in Cape Byron State ConservationA couple walking through coastal rainforest at Palm Valley lawn in Cape Byron State ConservationA wedding arch, benches and chairs set up on Palm Valley lawn in Cape Byron State Conservation Area.


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A couple saying their vows under a wedding arch on Palm Valley lawn in Cape Byron State Conservation
A couple saying their vows under a wedding arch on Palm Valley lawn in Cape Byron State Conservation
A couple walking through coastal rainforest at Palm Valley lawn in Cape Byron State Conservation
A wedding arch, benches and chairs set up on Palm Valley lawn in Cape Byron State Conservation Area.