new growth regeneration post bush fires on Kangaroo Island


ID: 56b26d27aeeeaaf773cfe1f7

Parndana, Parndana, South Australia

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Lot 42 Cook Street,
South Australia

袋鼠島荒野之旅提供世界一流的自然和野生動物體驗。 導遊,作為真正的當地人,致力於提供知識淵博、有趣、個性化的體驗,同時保留獨特的袋鼠島環境。 Wilderness Tours 只經營豪華四輪驅動車輛,最多保證六名乘客。他們是現代豪華車隊;每兩到三年更換一次,以確保它們始終安靜舒適和安全。共享和私人體驗都可用。 燒烤和野餐兩道菜的午餐搭配優質的袋鼠島葡萄酒,充分利用島上的新鮮農產品。 友好、知識淵博、高效的團隊可以為您安排整個套餐,包括航班、接送和各種住宿選擇。 Kangaroo Island Wilderness Tours 可以使用許多豪華的託管住宿設施,這些住宿設施享有壯麗的大海、海灘和鄉村景色。所有這些都得到了偉大的公司、美食和美酒的稱讚,與日間體驗完美結合。聯繫我們提供旅遊和套餐,歡迎旅行社。...

Product Types

  • 探險和戶外之旅
  • 食品和葡萄酒之旅
  • 自然和野生動物
  • 觀光旅遊
  • 徒步與單車旅遊
  • 文化與主題旅遊
  • 全日
  • 定制
  • 擴展
  • 半天或減


  • Quality Tourism Accreditation
  • ECO Certified (Nature Tourism) by Ecotourism Australia

Tourism Organisation

  • Regional Tourist/Tourism Association/Organisation
  • SA - Tourism Kangaroo Island

Activities you can engage in

  • Birdwatching
  • Canoeing/Kayaking
  • Walks
  • Hiking


  • Wilderness Wildscapes Day Tour - DW

    kangarooskangaroo Island sceneryrugged coast lineStokes Bay

    加入我們的一位當地導遊,體驗非凡岩石、弗林德斯蔡斯和海軍上將拱門的奇觀。您將能夠在自然環境中看到野生動物以及這些美妙的袋鼠島圖標。在叢林環境中享用美妙的午餐。 上車後前往弗林德斯蔡斯國家公園的總部落基河。大通是我們所有種類的本地動物和鳥類的家園。前往海軍上將拱門(Admirals Arch),這是一個靠近海洋的古老石灰岩地層,是活躍的長鼻毛皮海豹棲息地的理想拖出區域。然後通過 Cape du Couedic 壯觀的海岸線前往 Remarkable Rocks。 出園參觀考拉大道,漫步格拉斯代爾歷史農場。一段短暫的叢林步道,尋找針鼴或刺食蟻獸,並觀察色彩繽紛的袋鼠島特有的深紅薔薇。繼續前往 Vivonne 灣,其清澈的海水支持著一群小企鵝。您的導遊將帶您前往艾倫角,在那裡您可以淘貝殼,並可能在其棲息地看到企鵝。 運營時間:每天上午 9 點至下午 6 點,從金斯科特機場或袋鼠島住宿出發,聖誕節除外。

    Facilities found here

    • 家庭友善
    • Non Smoking
    • Public Toilet

    Accessibility Information

    • Caters for people with sufficient mobility to climb a few steps but who would benefit from fixtures to aid balance. (This includes people using walking frames and mobility aids)
    • Caters for people who are deaf or have hearing loss.
  • Wilderness South Coast Day Tour - 1DWSC

    SealRemarkable RocksKoalaSealsRemarkable Rocks

    我們為那些時間有限的人設計了這次旅行;它包括海豹灣、考拉大道、弗林德斯蔡斯、卓越的岩石和海軍上將拱門。享受美味的燒烤午餐,並乘坐我們的豪華七座四輪驅動車旅行。如果您的計劃很緊湊,讓我們的當地導遊在一天內盡可能多地向您展示,但如果可以的話,我們真的建議您至少停留兩天。 袋鼠島荒野之旅提供靈活、個性化、小團體、四輪驅動車輛旅遊套餐,旨在讓您更接近島上獨特的野生動物和自然。 運營時間:每天上午 9 點至下午 6 點(聖誕節除外)從金斯科特機場或袋鼠島的住宿地點出發。

    Facilities found here

    • 家庭友善
    • Non Smoking
    • Public Toilet

    Accessibility Information

    • Caters for people with sufficient mobility to climb a few steps but who would benefit from fixtures to aid balance. (This includes people using walking frames and mobility aids)
    • Caters for people who are deaf or have hearing loss.
    • Caters for people who are blind or have vision loss.
  • Taste of Kangaroo Island Day Tour - 1DTKI

    Dudley WinesSeafood LunchSeafood Lunch

    這次袋鼠島美食美酒之旅,即“品嚐袋鼠島”之旅,今春開啟! 如果您想體驗袋鼠島工匠提供的美味佳餚,那麼這個誘人但輕鬆的旅行將帶您參觀這個島嶼天堂的美食和葡萄酒生產商。 袋鼠島長期以來以其野生動物、海岸風光和連綿起伏的腹地而聞名。袋鼠島荒野之旅仍然可以帶您前往所有這些時尚的地方,並享受其獨有的路虎車隊的舒適。 “品嚐 KI”午餐將以 KI 產品為特色,品嚐 Marron、Crayfish(當季)、King George Whiting 作為所有可能的開胃菜。所有這些都伴隨著精選的袋鼠島美酒。在袋鼠島荒野之旅獨有的秘密地點,在風景如畫的小溪床上享受這一切。 這次旅行是在私人和共享的基礎上提供的。由於某些產品的季節性供應和天氣限制,目的地可能會有所變化。

    Facilities found here

    • 家庭友善
    • Non Smoking
    • Public Toilet

    Accessibility Information

    • Caters for people with sufficient mobility to climb a few steps but who would benefit from fixtures to aid balance. (This includes people using walking frames and mobility aids)
    • Caters for people who are deaf or have hearing loss.
    • Caters for people who are blind or have vision loss.
  • Wilderness Island Culture Day Tour - 1DWIC

    BeachesLunch in the bushCape Willoughby Lighthouse

    參觀風景如畫的 American River 小鎮,尋找 Glossy Black Cockatoo。欣賞鵜鶘潟湖海洋保護區的美景,將腳趾浸入彭寧頓灣清澈湛藍的海水中。 前往島嶼東部,探索古色古香的彭尼肖沿海小鎮。在查普曼河沿岸的 Paper Bark 樹下或在我們位於“Shorty”路(以當地農民命名)的獨特僻靜灌木叢中享受野餐午餐 沿著美麗的前廳灣漫步尋找企鵝,尋找貝殼。爬上島最東端威洛比角的南澳大利亞最古老的燈塔。 沿著叢林小徑冒險穿過私人土地,到達狂野的南部海岸。探索懸崖頂,發現常駐的長鼻海狗棲息地。 參觀“基督教青年會”角落時會有很多拍照機會,在那裡您會發現島上最大的袋鼠暴徒之一。

    Facilities found here

    • 家庭友善
    • Non Smoking
    • Public Toilet

    Accessibility Information

    • Caters for people with sufficient mobility to climb a few steps but who would benefit from fixtures to aid balance. (This includes people using walking frames and mobility aids)
    • Caters for people who are deaf or have hearing loss.
  • Wilderness Wildlife Day Tour- 1DWL

    Seal BaySealsSealKI Wildlife Park

    了解澳大利亞海獅如何在嚴酷的南大洋中倖存下來。公牛、奶牛和幼犬棲息在海灘上,您可以在其中漫步。繼續向南行駛,享受愉快、輕鬆的步行穿過灌木叢,然後來到 KI 壯觀而廣闊的小撒哈拉沙丘底部。從南海岸出發,我們通過 Parndana 野生動物公園穿越島嶼中部的農村地區。這個公園被設置為“動物避難所”,生病、受傷、孤兒或不受歡迎的動物可以在這裡找到家。今天的午餐是醃製雞胸肉、新鮮沙拉和濃郁的檸檬撻。斯內林斯和斯托克斯灣的北海岸海灘非常適合悠閒漫步。享受在原始沙灘上拍打的海浪聲,或者如果天氣允許,可以在您將體驗過的最清澈的海水中游泳。當天晚些時候,您可以在 Lathami 保護公園下垂的母橡樹中漫步,觀察袋鼠和小袋鼠。這裡也是稀有的光面黑鳳頭鸚鵡的棲息地,也是難以捉摸的針鼴(刺食蟻獸)的好地方。

    Facilities found here

    • 家庭友善
    • Non Smoking
    • Public Toilet

    Accessibility Information

    • Caters for people with sufficient mobility to climb a few steps but who would benefit from fixtures to aid balance. (This includes people using walking frames and mobility aids)
    • Caters for people who are deaf or have hearing loss.
    • Caters for people who are blind or have vision loss.
  • Private touring

    luxury 4WD touring on Kangaroo Island. Specialised guides


    Facilities found here

    • 停車場
    • 家庭友善
    • Non Smoking
    • Public Toilet

    Accessibility Information

    • Welcomes and assists people who have challenges with learning, communication, understanding and behaviour. (includes people with autism, intellectual disability, Down syndrome, acquired brain injury (ABI), dyslexia and dementia)
    • Caters for people who are blind or have vision loss.
    • Caters for people who are deaf or have hearing loss.
    • Caters for people with sufficient mobility to climb a few steps but who would benefit from fixtures to aid balance. (This includes people using walking frames and mobility aids)
    • Caters for people who use a wheelchair.

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Kangaroo Island Wilderness Tour Team
Lunch in the bush with a 5th generation Kangaroo Islander as your host
One of guides Stephen and his family have been farmers on Kangaroo Island for 6 generations.
A pair of Australian Se Lions having a chat in the dunes at Seal Bay
Koalas in the wild and you can also hold them at the Kangaroo Island Wildlife Park
A couple of buck Kangaroos sorting out who is boss
Kangaroo Island has its own species of Kangaroo
Remarkable scenery