new growth regeneration post bush fires on Kangaroo Island


ID: 56b26d27aeeeaaf773cfe1f7

Parndana, Parndana, South Australia

游览 Icon游览
Lot 42 Cook Street,
South Australia

袋鼠岛荒野之旅提供世界一流的自然和野生动物体验。 导游,作为真正的当地人,致力于提供知识渊博、有趣、个性化的体验,同时保留独特的袋鼠岛环境。 Wilderness Tours 只经营豪华四轮驱动车辆,最多保证六名乘客。他们是现代豪华车队;每两到三年更换一次,以确保它们始终安静舒适和安全。共享和私人体验都可用。 烧烤和野餐两道菜的午餐搭配优质的袋鼠岛葡萄酒,充分利用岛上的新鲜农产品。 友好、知识渊博、高效的团队可以为您安排整个套餐,包括航班、接送和各种住宿选择。 Kangaroo Island Wilderness Tours 可以使用许多豪华的托管住宿设施,这些住宿设施享有壮丽的大海、海滩和乡村景色。所有这些都得到了伟大的公司、美食和美酒的称赞,与日间体验完美结合。联系我们提供旅游和套餐,欢迎旅行社。...

Product Types

  • 探险和户外之旅
  • 食品和葡萄酒之旅
  • 自然和野生动物
  • 观光旅游
  • 徒步与单车旅游
  • 文化与主题旅游
  • 全日
  • 定制
  • 扩展
  • 半天或减


  • Quality Tourism Accreditation
  • ECO Certified (Nature Tourism) by Ecotourism Australia

Tourism Organisation

  • Regional Tourist/Tourism Association/Organisation
  • SA - Tourism Kangaroo Island

Activities you can engage in

  • Birdwatching
  • Canoeing/Kayaking
  • Walks
  • Hiking


  • Wilderness Wildscapes Day Tour - DW

    kangarooskangaroo Island sceneryrugged coast lineStokes Bay

    加入我们的一位当地导游,体验非凡岩石、弗林德斯蔡斯和海军上将拱门的奇观。您将能够在自然环境中看到野生动物以及这些美妙的袋鼠岛图标。在丛林环境中享用美妙的午餐。 上车后前往弗林德斯蔡斯国家公园的总部落基河。大通是我们所有种类的本地动物和鸟类的家园。前往海军上将拱门(Admirals Arch),这是一个靠近海洋的古老石灰岩地层,是活跃的长鼻毛皮海豹栖息地的理想拖出区域。然后通过 Cape du Couedic 壮观的海岸线前往 Remarkable Rocks。 出园参观考拉大道,漫步格拉斯代尔历史农场。一段短暂的丛林步道,寻找针鼹或刺食蚁兽,并观察色彩缤纷的袋鼠岛特有的深红蔷薇。继续前往 Vivonne 湾,其清澈的海水支持着一群小企鹅。您的导游将带您前往艾伦角,在那里您可以淘贝壳,并可能在其栖息地看到企鹅。 运营时间:每天上午 9 点至下午 6 点,从金斯科特机场或袋鼠岛住宿出发,圣诞节除外。

    Facilities found here

    • 家庭友善
    • Non Smoking
    • Public Toilet

    Accessibility Information

    • Caters for people with sufficient mobility to climb a few steps but who would benefit from fixtures to aid balance. (This includes people using walking frames and mobility aids)
    • Caters for people who are deaf or have hearing loss.
  • Wilderness South Coast Day Tour - 1DWSC

    SealRemarkable RocksKoalaSealsRemarkable Rocks

    我们为那些时间有限的人设计了这次旅行;它包括海豹湾、考拉大道、弗林德斯蔡斯、卓越的岩石和海军上将拱门。享受美味的烧烤午餐,并乘坐我们的豪华七座四轮驱动车旅行。如果您的计划很紧凑,让我们的当地导游在一天内尽可能多地向您展示,但如果可以的话,我们真的建议您至少停留两天。 袋鼠岛荒野之旅提供灵活、个性化、小团体、四轮驱动车辆旅游套餐,旨在让您更接近岛上独特的野生动物和自然。 运营时间:每天上午 9 点至下午 6 点(圣诞节除外)从金斯科特机场或袋鼠岛的住宿地点出发。

    Facilities found here

    • 家庭友善
    • Non Smoking
    • Public Toilet

    Accessibility Information

    • Caters for people with sufficient mobility to climb a few steps but who would benefit from fixtures to aid balance. (This includes people using walking frames and mobility aids)
    • Caters for people who are deaf or have hearing loss.
    • Caters for people who are blind or have vision loss.
  • Taste of Kangaroo Island Day Tour - 1DTKI

    Dudley WinesSeafood LunchSeafood Lunch

    这次袋鼠岛美食美酒之旅,即“品尝袋鼠岛”之旅,今春开启! 如果您想体验袋鼠岛工匠提供的美味佳肴,那么这个诱人但轻松的旅行将带您参观这个岛屿天堂的美食和葡萄酒生产商。 袋鼠岛长期以来以其野生动物、海岸风光和连绵起伏的腹地而闻名。袋鼠岛荒野之旅仍然可以带您前往所有这些时尚的地方,并享受其独有的路虎车队的舒适。 “品尝 KI”午餐将以 KI 产品为特色,品尝 Marron、Crayfish(当季)、King George Whiting 作为所有可能的开胃菜。所有这些都伴随着精选的袋鼠岛美酒。在袋鼠岛荒野之旅独有的秘密地点,在风景如画的小溪床上享受这一切。 这次旅行是在私人和共享的基础上提供的。由于某些产品的季节性供应和天气限制,目的地可能会有所变化。

    Facilities found here

    • 家庭友善
    • Non Smoking
    • Public Toilet

    Accessibility Information

    • Caters for people with sufficient mobility to climb a few steps but who would benefit from fixtures to aid balance. (This includes people using walking frames and mobility aids)
    • Caters for people who are deaf or have hearing loss.
    • Caters for people who are blind or have vision loss.
  • Wilderness Island Culture Day Tour - 1DWIC

    BeachesLunch in the bushCape Willoughby Lighthouse

    参观风景如画的 American River 小镇,寻找 Glossy Black Cockatoo。欣赏鹈鹕泻湖海洋保护区的美景,将脚趾浸入彭宁顿湾清澈湛蓝的海水中。 前往岛屿东部,探索古色古香的彭尼肖沿海小镇。在查普曼河沿岸的 Paper Bark 树下或在我们位于“Shorty”路(以当地农民命名)的独特僻静灌木丛中享受野餐午餐 沿着美丽的前厅湾漫步寻找企鹅,寻找贝壳。爬上岛最东端威洛比角的南澳大利亚最古老的灯塔。 沿着丛林小径冒险穿过私人土地,到达狂野的南部海岸。探索悬崖顶,发现常驻的长鼻海狗栖息地。 参观“基督教青年会”角落时会有很多拍照机会,在那里您会发现岛上最大的袋鼠暴徒之一。

    Facilities found here

    • 家庭友善
    • Non Smoking
    • Public Toilet

    Accessibility Information

    • Caters for people with sufficient mobility to climb a few steps but who would benefit from fixtures to aid balance. (This includes people using walking frames and mobility aids)
    • Caters for people who are deaf or have hearing loss.
  • Wilderness Wildlife Day Tour- 1DWL

    Seal BaySealsSealKI Wildlife Park

    了解澳大利亚海狮如何在严酷的南大洋中幸存下来。公牛、奶牛和幼犬栖息在海滩上,您可以在其中漫步。继续向南行驶,享受愉快、轻松的步行穿过灌木丛,然后来到 KI 壮观而广阔的小撒哈拉沙丘底部。从南海岸出发,我们通过 Parndana 野生动物公园穿越岛屿中部的农村地区。这个公园被设置为“动物避难所”,生病、受伤、孤儿或不受欢迎的动物可以在这里找到家。今天的午餐是腌制鸡胸肉、新鲜沙拉和浓郁的柠檬挞。斯内林斯和斯托克斯湾的北海岸海滩非常适合悠闲漫步。享受在原始沙滩上拍打的海浪声,或者如果天气允许,可以在您将体验过的最清澈的海水中游泳。当天晚些时候,您可以在 Lathami 保护公园下垂的母橡树中漫步,观察袋鼠和小袋鼠。这里也是稀有的光面黑凤头鹦鹉的栖息地,也是难以捉摸的针鼹(刺食蚁兽)的好地方。

    Facilities found here

    • 家庭友善
    • Non Smoking
    • Public Toilet

    Accessibility Information

    • Caters for people with sufficient mobility to climb a few steps but who would benefit from fixtures to aid balance. (This includes people using walking frames and mobility aids)
    • Caters for people who are deaf or have hearing loss.
    • Caters for people who are blind or have vision loss.
  • Private touring

    luxury 4WD touring on Kangaroo Island. Specialised guides


    Facilities found here

    • 停车场
    • 家庭友善
    • Non Smoking
    • Public Toilet

    Accessibility Information

    • Welcomes and assists people who have challenges with learning, communication, understanding and behaviour. (includes people with autism, intellectual disability, Down syndrome, acquired brain injury (ABI), dyslexia and dementia)
    • Caters for people who are blind or have vision loss.
    • Caters for people who are deaf or have hearing loss.
    • Caters for people with sufficient mobility to climb a few steps but who would benefit from fixtures to aid balance. (This includes people using walking frames and mobility aids)
    • Caters for people who use a wheelchair.

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Kangaroo Island Wilderness Tour Team
Lunch in the bush with a 5th generation Kangaroo Islander as your host
One of guides Stephen and his family have been farmers on Kangaroo Island for 6 generations.
A pair of Australian Se Lions having a chat in the dunes at Seal Bay
Koalas in the wild and you can also hold them at the Kangaroo Island Wildlife Park
A couple of buck Kangaroos sorting out who is boss
Kangaroo Island has its own species of Kangaroo
Remarkable scenery