Apsley Falls Campground, Oxley Wild Rivers National Park. Photo: Rob Cleary/DPIE


ID: 56b248ba3ed14ca745326265

Walcha, New South Wales

住所 Icon住所
Apsley Falls Road,
New South Wales

當現代世界變得太多時,您知道是時候裝上露營車並前往山上了。阿普斯利瀑布 (Apsley Falls) 露營地位於奧克斯利野河國家公園 (Oxley Wild Rivers National Park) 的西部邊緣,是您前往寧靜之地的入場券。這個獨特的叢林遺址位於新南威爾士州北部,遠離城市人群。這是駕車度假的完美叢林停靠站,也是散步和觀鳥的理想基地。 在長滿細絲樹皮和白色桉樹的森林中搭起帳篷。當您安頓下來入住時,請留意經常光顧的灰袋鼠和小袋鼠。一定要帶上雙筒望遠鏡來觀察該地區豐富的鳥類,包括深紅色玫瑰鸚鵡、紅色荊棘鳥和刺鳥。 一旦你建立了營地,就該探索公園了。沿著附近的 Apsley Gorge Rim 步道走,這是一條短途環路步道,沿途可以欣賞到崎嶇不平的 Apsley 峽谷和主要瀑布的美景。如果您仍然精力充沛,可以冒險走上奧克斯利 (Oxley) 步道,這條步道沿著阿普斯利峽谷 (Apsley Gorge) 的北緣延伸,可以欣賞到主瀑布和下游瀑布的壯麗景色。...

Product Types

  • 大篷車,露營度假公園

Tourism Organisation

  • NSW - Local - Walcha Tourism

Facilities found here

  • Barbeque
  • Carpark
  • Non Smoking

Accessibility Information

  • Disabled access available, contact operator for details.

Rooms Available

  • Camping beside my vehicle

    Apsley Falls Campground, Oxley Wild Rivers National Park. Photo: Rob Cleary/DPIEBarbecue and camping area in Apsley Falls campground, Oxley Wild Rivers National Park. Photo: RobKangaroo hopping through the trees. Photo: Rob Cleary/DPIEPicnic table at Apsley Falls campground, Oxley Wild Rivers National Park. Photo: Rob Cleary/DPIEFacilities, Apsley Falls campground. Photo: Rob Cleary/DPIE

    Apsley Falls campground offers a night in the bush with scenic waterfall views, walking and wildlife.

    Facilities found here

    • 燒烤

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Barbecue and camping area in Apsley Falls campground, Oxley Wild Rivers National Park. Photo: Rob
Kangaroo hopping through the trees. Photo: Rob Cleary/DPIE
Picnic table at Apsley Falls campground, Oxley Wild Rivers National Park. Photo: Rob Cleary/DPIE
Facilities, Apsley Falls campground. Photo: Rob Cleary/DPIE